personality disorder can be divided into 3 clusters:
cluster A: aka mad personality disorders..consist of schzoid, schizotypal and paranoid personality disorder
cluster B: aka bad personality disorders...consist of borderline, histrionic, narcissistic, anti-social personality disorders
cluster C: aka sad personality disorder..consists of dependant, avoidant and obsessive compulsive personality disorder
cluster A:
schizoid: social withdrawal (does not like to have friends), no desire for close relationship, eccentric and reclusive (sangat pelik), quiet, constricted affect (muke stone je memanjang~susah nak tgk die gelak atau sedey), take pleasure in few acts (tade hobi sangat..macam zombi ah)
schizotypal: eccentric behavior (pelik je jugak tgk die neh..suke ckp sensorg ke ape), peculiar thought pattern (as in memang sangat tak kene ah dengan manusia biase pemikiran die), idea of referance (kdg2 percaye bahawe bende2 kat TV, paper ke brite tgh bercakap pasal die), odd belief or magical thinking (haa, beware ye kepade sape yang percaye sangat kat magik2 neh), inappropriate affect (org gelak, die g bantai menangis), suspiciousness...
paranoid: pervasive distrust and suspiciouness (susah gile nak percaye kat orang, ade je salah org tuh), interpret motives as malevolent (org puji die pon die percaye sebenarnye org tuh dok menghine die and nak jatuhkan maruah die -ok, over gile plak aku neh), blames others, seems angry and hostile, preoccipied with doubts of loyalty (susah gile nak percaye kat orang especially pasangan die-beware sape balak kat jeles), defensive, salu suspect that pasangan die neh curang kat die
cluster B
antisocial: failure to conform to social norms (suke buat bende yang kbykan org normal tak buatla, cam carik gaduh ke), deceitful manipulative or repeatedly lying for own gain (gile punye jahat, suke manipulasi kebaikan org lain and suke menipu ntk kepentingan diri sndrik), impulsive (suke buat bende tanpe berfikiran panjang), irritable dan aggressive. reckless (tak pedulik pon keselamatan org lain dan diri sendirik), irresponsible, lack of remorse to action (tak penah pikir langsung ah nak bertaubat ke ape)
borderline: impulsive, moody, paranoid bile terlalu stress, unstable self image (salu pandang rendah kat diri sndrik tapi kadang2 over-poyo gak), labile relationship (suke tukar2 pasangan), suicidal salunya ntk tarik attention, inappropriate anger (tetibe je naik hangin), vulnerable to abandonment (sangat takot apabile org nak tggalkan die), salu merase kekosongan or emptiness
histrionic: suke kat attention (uncomfortable if not at the centre of attention), seductive and provocative (cam whore la, suke gile menggode dan mem-provoke org), uses physical appearance to draw attention to self (contohnye mekap tebal2 n pakai seksi2 ntk bagi sume laki tgk kat die je), has speech that is impressionistic but lack with detail (cakap besar, tapi habuk tarak), dramatic (kalo die meluahkan perasaan die memang over punye la tgk), easily influenced, perceives relationship as more intimate then they really are (perasan..keke)
4. narcissictic: sense of superiority (merase diri sangatla pentingnye kepade kesejahteraan dunia-ok over balek), need for admiration (nak sume org adore die la), lack of empathy (tidak mengasihani manusia lain), consider self as special, exploits others for self (amboi~), grandiose but fragile self esteem..arrogant, envious
cluster C:
avoidant: social inhibition (sangat malu dengan orang lain!!!), intense fear of rejection (tanak kawan ngan org lain sebab takot nnt org tak suke die and reject die), avoid social interaction, desire companionship but extremely shy and easily injured (nak sangat ade pasangan hidup tapi sangatlaa malunye and takot kalo die kene rejek, nnt die sangat senang sakit hati)
dependant: poor self confident, fears separation (sangat takot separate ngan org yang die depend..sampai takley nak buat pape pasal terlalu dependant ngan org lain), have excessive need to be taken care of, feel helpless when alone, difficult makin decision (buat keputusan nak makan ape pon bergantung kat org lain, contohnyela), cannot express disagreement due to fear of approval (takot nak meluahkan ketidakpuasan hati sebab takot org yang die depend tu tak suke lalu meninggalkan die), urgently seek another relationship if one failed (kalo kene tinggal, make dengan segera die carik org lain ntk die depend plak)
Obsessive compulsive: perfectionist, inflexible (susah sangat nak ubah rutin die), orderliness (sume bende mesti kene ade susunan dan aturannye), preoccupied with details, rules, list, excessive devotion to work, will not delegate task (kalo die ketua, die buat keje sorg2 pasal die tak percaye org lain bole bwat keje se-perfect die buat), rigid and stubborn
source: first aid, psychiatric clerkship book~
haha...macam2kan? kadang2 bile bce2 terase macam sume bende ni kite ade, tapi perlu diingat apabile sesuatu dipanggil disorder maknenye ia adelah penyakit dan apabile die adelah penyakit, maknenye die menyusahkan dan mengganggu kehidupan harian kite...samela jugak ngan personality disorder ni, maknenye personaliti itu telah mendatangkan kesusahan kepade kite dan org2 lain sampai kite nak kerje ke, nak berpasangan ke berkeluarge ke berkawan ke sume tak boleh nak buat dengan sempurna macam org2 lain..kalo rase2 cam tgk member or famili ade kriteria diatas dan menyusahkan die ntk berfungsi dan menyusahkan diri kite sendirik, make cepat2la bawak die g jumpe doctor ok?