pEnUnGgU pUaKa wAyAnG~

Saturday, August 21, 2010

the world spin~

the world spin and here we are...still wondering what's best for us...
people move on...we thought, they'll move together with us...
taking our hands and saying, well, we can't just leave u here rite?
but sadly, it doesn't happen that way...
people move on and they never stop to look back and say, oh, what happen to our friend? is he/she moving on too? or am i walking alone in this world, and leaving him/her alone?
we believe that when people utters, i love u, they are always sincere...but unfortunately, they are liar..
because, friends who loves another friend wouldn't say i love u, but i care for your well being so i will do anything to make you well cared for...
we keep on wondering, who can you really trust to share your secrets, your worse fear, your foolish hopes and your beautiful that pursuit, we keep on choosing the wrong friend and not realizing that this friend couldn't care less about whatever is in your mind....
so, you keep on wandering in and out one and another friend's life...and u find that your search is definitely the most foolish journey in your life...there is no such friends...
theres only friends who are there because you are happy, friends who are there because they cherish with your misery...friends who are there because they want to get something out of your mind...friends who are there because they want to act as if they are good listeners, friends who are just there because they want to use you so they don't have to face this world alone, so they are there but their hearts are elsewhere...
in the end, finding peace with your own self is the best friend you can ever make...
finding peace with your family is the most blissful friendship that you won't regret...

do not think i dunno what i am writing about, because i have been in that journey of friend-searching...for me, its only a lost cause.....~


nz said...

thanks a lot nabilla for this entry.u actually speak for me

beyl said...

welcome dear...i dunno what happen, but i see something is wrong...i pray to ALLAH that whatever it is, it is for your greater good~maybe not now, but in the future...ALLAH is kind and full of not despair..ok?

HIT2 me...