pEnUnGgU pUaKa wAyAnG~

Friday, August 5, 2011


susah nak accept, someone yang sepatutnya protect kite from all sorts of pain, emotionally and physically, is the one who actually breaks you to pieces from the moment you start to breathe the air of the world....someone who actually yell and curse those who tries to hurt my feelings are the same person who yells and curse at me for the smallest, impossible reasons to be cursed upon...such hypocrisy, its absolutely disgusting

all this years, you may break me into nothingness, but you have already done that long before...i just couldn't care anymore... i may be a part of you, but unfortunately, you are the one who wrench me apart from you..


you can't be my protector..tapi,
cukuplah ALLAH sebagai pelindungku...

p/s: to my husband..thank you for trying to be supportive and understanding of me and my labile emotion~


faRhaNA sHaFIe said...

nape pulak kali ni ciknab? sabar ye...tak baik marah2 bulan puasa ni..ko ignore je ape yg die bising2 tuh

beyl said...

sbbkan bende kecik, die boleh sumpah2 sy kate sy setan la babi la pembohong la....haritu die baling sy ngn balang mende ntah sbb sy takley nak jwab soklan die...baekla die tuh yg tak payah pose..sesia je lapar..

faRhaNA sHaFIe said...

lor..soklan ape yg die nak marah sampai baling2 balang pulak..? hurm, agak tak patutla kan...biar betul sampai sumpah seranah..kalau si kiah yg hensem tgh marah pastu curse2 tu bleh la percaye..sabar byk2 k..

HIT2 me...