pEnUnGgU pUaKa wAyAnG~

Friday, September 24, 2010

have a little faith...

read a book by mitch albom: have a little faith...
i love this writer..he is blessed with two people (at least) that gives him the chance to share some insights and learn about living, having faith in life and dying...
well, in this book, it was outlines the relationship between him and his rabbi...
he is a Jew...naturally brought up to be religious, but as time goes by like many of us, he did not understand what religion really means to people, whatever the religion is...
what is the importance of having faith and believing it..
so this book conveys on how his rabbi tried to install some faith in him...
to be able to believe in the higher power and how it affects our lives..
to believe that some things are not within our hands, so that we can make peace with it.
to have hope in Him...
to love and pray for each other regardless of creed, race and religion (now i sounds like Prof H)

i know he's a Jew, but all the same, the principle is not alien to me...

in summary, "i am in love with hope-mitch albom"

so, i am not giving up with hope...
Allah has given sustainence to me, and He will always do...i believe in that...

p/s: to that person, i promise that i will never forget your promises...


Ummu Afeera said...

aq suka buku dia tuesdays with morrie bangat..

beyl said...

aah..aku da bace da...2 kali ulang n ak still nanges..huhu

HIT2 me...