pEnUnGgU pUaKa wAyAnG~

Saturday, February 12, 2011

the beautiful reasons

there's a patient we saw in hosp 3 days back...
he's an interesting patient...
not because of how and why he got landed into the hospital, but because he is simply an interesting person to talk to..he's young and seems healthy, and if he did not wear his hospital attire, he could have been easily mistaken as one of the we talked with him during my night call, just to get to know him and filling in those boring un-adventurous hours as well as preventing from being sleepy..
eventually we came to ask why a fit young man who is in no immediate pain being admitted...
so he told us that on the day of admission, he was playing know futsal being a high speed game for a small court and he's kinda big he was running at top speed around for the ball and somehow, he forgot to brake or maybe just does not feel like braking or maybe he just couldn't have time to brake considering his size and speed when he reached the end of the court and so he hit the court's pillar accidentally which mainly involves his right side of the abdomen and thank God, not the head...
immediately after that he felt pain at the right side of his tummy but he continued playing, assuming that its just muscle sprain..
with all the adrenaline rushing about in his system, it dampens the feeling of pain...
only until the game ends did he feel that the pain is getting worse and so he went to hospital where he was then admitted...
investigation done, it was found that his liver has been lacerated due to the accident...imagine, a common everyday game could get you into serious injury if you are not careful...
but that's not my point...
because, the next day proves that he does not get his liver lacerated for nothing...
because a repeat abdominal ultrasound done the next day, and he was found to have only 1 kidney functioning...the other kidney is failing due to a disease called polycystic kidney disease...

he might complain because he could not function as a normal human being for few days due to a lacerated liver, but he could never ever complain because if its not due to his lacerated liver, he might not take necessary maximum precautions to take care of his health and ultimately his only kidney which could fail and results in him having to go for dialysis at a very young age...and the fact that he could not play futsal anymore or do any dangerous things that might injure his other kidney, lose it and has to get a kidney transplant or a life-time sentence of dialysis as well as reducing his life span because he have got not more kidney to live on...

all this is, thanks to the lacerated liver and of course, thank ALLAH the Almighty, who make things happen ALWAYS for a good never whine!

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