pEnUnGgU pUaKa wAyAnG~

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

maternity leave for 90 days?

its just my point of view, nothing else...
not supporting anyone of any sort or organizations...

nowadays, the maternity leaves given by the government is only 60 days...and there are some people out there who wants it to be increased to 90 days for some reason..not that i am in full objection about it, i mean, who wants to object to such a magnificent idea of a long holiday?! hehehehe...

its just the reason behind it that i am a bit concerned...from what i read in the paper, they wanted the increse of maternity leave to give time to the mothers to heal properly (physically and emotionally)...especially after an almost 10 months of pure exhaustion inclusive of the childbirth...i am not saying its wrong, but from what i have learnt during my obstetric and gynaecology posting, the time a post-natal mother needs to fully recover phisycally and emotionally is about 2 years...that is why, a lady who just gives birth and plans to have another baby should wait for a period of 2 years before conceiving again..not only this allows the mother to bond properly with the 1st child, it also gives adequate healing to the mother's inner body (replacement of blood and nutrients, healing of all scars, returns mother's hormones to normal level etc)...

thus, why not holiday for 2 years?

to the policy makers, 60 days is allow mothers to quickly return to their normal functioning and adapt to their new routine as fast as possible, therefore, increasing income to the place the mother works and the household..when we starts working quick, our body also starts working quick, thus speeds up healing...pampering the body is good, but what happens when we pampers it too long? especially to those who really takes good care of their career...some people, they are able to go back to work after 2 weeks of giving birth..

awesome, how resilient and tough a woman can be...

however, to mothers out there, this is just the theoretical part of it...
i am not a mother yet, but once i am a mother, maybe i would be screaming for more times to stay at home too...hahahahahhahahahha

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